Examination of pyrolysis and char burnout in oxy-fuel atmosphere using plug flow and well stirred reactor type systems, B. Gövert, S. Pielsticker, N. Vorobiev, S. Heuer, O. Hatzfeld, R. Kneer, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer; RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-Univer
Authors: B. Govert
18th IFRF Members’ Conference took place at Kardinal-Döpfner-Haus in Freising, Germany at 1-3 June 2015. The conference attended 77 participants from Europe, as well as from the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.
The conference was opened by Leonardo Tognotti, IFRF Superintendent of Research, and followed by Tomasz Klajny - IFRF Director’s presentation, both about the update of the IFRF research, interests and services. The morning session also included two keynote lectures by Nick Syred talking about interactions of swirling flows with combustion, and Wiebren de Jong from TU Delft exploring the subject of thermo-chemical biomass conversion featuring Brisk project activities and achievements. The main topic of the two parallel sessions of the day were Emissions (Session A) and Gasification and Pyrolysis (Session B).
The second day was opened with a keynote lecture by Gerald Schmidt from (ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH) talking about flexible coal fired boilers. The morning sessions were concerned with Equipment and Facilities (Session C) as well as Oxy-gas (Session D). After lunch there was lunched Session E: Biomass and parallel sessions of oxy-coal workshop, which also continued on Wednesday (together with conference sessions F-H). The meeting was closed with a keynote lecture by Filip Verplaetsen (KU Leuven/Adinex) on assessing explosion risk in oxy-coal combustion systems.
The conference was accompanied by 2 days (2-3 June) Oxycoal workshop.
Research: Conference
- 01 Introduction to the Oxy-Coal, Steve Wilcox, University of South Wales, UK
- 02 Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures (RELCOM), S. Wilcox, University of South Wales
- 03 Collaborative Research Center Oxyflame Development of methods and models to describe solid fuel reactions within an oxy-fuel atmosphere, O. Hatzfeldt, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- 04 Oxy-fuel combustion integrated with a CO2 processing unit, R. Bialecki, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- 05 Oxy-Coal Research Project(s) in North America (U.S.A.), P. Smith, University of Utah, US
- 06 Oxy-coal Research Projects in Europe. O2GEN, R. Diego, Fundación Ciudad de la Energía, Spain
- 07 New Oxy-coal Sub-Models, G. Coraggio, G. Coraggio, G. Bonvicini, M. Faleni, A. Brink, A. Pranzitelli, A. Clements, A. Goanta, J. Hercog, R. Lewtak, A. Milewska, IFRF, Italy, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, University of Leeds, UK, Technical Universit
- 08 Oxy-CoalL CIUDEN Boiler CFD Modelling, M. Charwath, L. Porcheron, S. Dal’Secco, P. Plion; EDF, France
- 09 Fuel, Combustion and Gasification Characterisation Database, C. Gheorghe, G. Coraggio, J. Hercog, A. Brink, IFRF, Italy, Institute of Power Engineering, Poland, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- 10 Efficiency Potential of Oxyfuel Power Plants, K. Riedl, D,Couling, E.ON Technologies Germany, E.ON Technologies, UK
- 11 Impact of oxy-coal Combustion on Downstream, R. Sporl, S. Grathwohl, J. Maier, G. Scheffknech, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- 12 Ash Aerosols And Ash Desposits From Oxy-coalCombustion, Z. Zhan, A. Fry, J.O.L. Wendt; Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, University of Utah, USA
- 13 Numerical Simulation of the Oxy- and -Air-Fuel Combustion Process Within Industrial CFB Boiler, R. Bia³ecki, W. Adamczyk, P. Kozo³ub; Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- 14 CFD Modelling and Scaling of a 40 MW Burner for Oxyfuel Combustion, S. Black; Doosan Babcock, UK
- 15 Adaptive Kinetic Model for Coal Devotalization in Oxy-coal Combustion Conditions, S. Iavarone, A. Parente, P.J. Smith, C. Galletti, E. Biagini, L. Tognotti; Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, University of Utah
- 16 Impact of Direct Oxygen Injection (DOI) on Flame Stability and Overall Burnout During Oxyfuel Combustion, A. Baumgartner, M. Blume, C. Wolf, H. Spliethoff; TUM, Germany, ZAE Bayern, Germany
- 17 Monitoring oxy-coal combustion, P. Valliappann, C.K. Tan, S. Wilcox, N. Fricker; University of South Wales, UK
- 18 Air and Oxy-fuel Combustion Kinetics of Low Rank Lignities, B. Engin, H. Atakul, H. Olgun; TUBITAK-Marmara Research Centre, Turkey, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, Ege University Solar Energy Institute, Turkey
- 19 Examination of pyrolysis and char burnout in oxy-fuel atmosphere using plug flow and well stirred reactor type systems, B. Gövert, S. Pielsticker, N. Vorobiev, S. Heuer, O. Hatzfeld, R. Kneer, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer; RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-Univer
- 20 Air-fired and oxy-fired combustion: rate of char oxidation by O2, CO2 and H2O, O. Karlström, A. Brink, G. Corraggio, M. Hupa, L. Tognotti; Åbo Akademi’ Finland; IFRF, Italy, University of Pisa, Italy
- 21 CIUDEN’s 20 MWTH pulverized coal boiler: oxycombustion experiences, R. Diego, A. Fernàndez, R. Gonzàlez; Fundación Ciudad de la Energía, Spain
Download PDFGovert, B. (2015) Examination of pyrolysis and char burnout in oxy-fuel atmosphere using plug flow and well stirred reactor type systems, B. Gövert, S. Pielsticker, N. Vorobiev, S. Heuer, O. Hatzfeld, R. Kneer, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer; RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-Univer.