Preliminary announcement of IFRF’s 50th TOTeM- Alternative chemical energy carriers for long-term storage and long-distance transport of renewable energies
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Post Author
Greg Kelsall
Iron-air flame at TU/e. Picture courtesy: Jesse Hameete & Bart van Overbeeke
IFRF, through its French National Flame Committee, has announced a 1 day technical meeting entitled ‘Alternative chemical energy carriers for long-term storage and long-distance transport of renewable energies’.
The event, the 50th in a series of IFRF organised Topic Orientated technical Meetings (TOTeMs) will take place on 15th June 2023 at ArcelorMittal Global R&D Maizières facility, located at Maizières-lès-Metz in France.
The theme of the event will be the assessment of powdered metals and ammonia as hydrogen carriers. These carbon-free energy carriers have attracted the interest of the scientific and industrial communities due to the potential for cost effective long-term storage and long-distance transport.
The objective of this IFRF TOTeM is to address the following related questions:
- What is the current state of scientific and technical issues?
- What are the ecosystem, infrastructure and logistics already in place or to be developed?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of metal powder and ammonia in terms of technical and economic balance compared to hydrogen, even if they are all complementary?
- What are the socio-political measures and supports to enable this new economy?
Registration for the event will be open soon, with both oral and poster presentations invited, together with opportunities for sponsorship.
The TOTeM adds to the previously announced IFRF programme of events for 2023 including:
- 1-day workshop entitled ‘From lab scale to industrial combustion: challenges for the scale up of experimental and simulation approaches’ at the 11th at the 11th European Combustion Meeting in Rouen, France on 25 April 2023. Paper submission and sponsorship details are already available on the IFRF website.
- 2-3 day CPD approved short course on hydrogen at the Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC) in Sheffield, UK, scheduled for May 2023- details to follow soon
- 1 day TOTeM on ‘hydrogen in the glass industry’ organised by the Italian Flame Committee, scheduled for June 2023- details to follow soon