• TOTeM47: 16 days to go and an updated programme

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      Lucy Straker

      IFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator

Did you know…that there are just 16 days left to buy your tickets for TOTeM47 – ‘Additive manufacturing for combustion application’

This will be the 47th TOTeM (Topic Orientated Technical Meeting) that IFRF and our National Committees have held. At these events we look at a key theme suggested by one of our members and gather a diverse range of speakers to share and discuss it.

And this one is no different. Sponsored by our member Fives, TOTeM47 has an exciting line up of speakers. In the last edition of MNM (6th January) we shared with you the preliminary programme, but now we can give you more.

Download the latest version of the TOTeM47 programme here. (Then go and buy your tickets – we can’t wait to see you in Paris).

After the TOTeM we are planning to establish a Specialised Networking Group on this topic. So, if it’s something you are interested in, want to know more about and want to connect with others who are also working around this topic, then come to TOTeM47! Discounts are available for IFRF members – and if you’re not a member, you’re still very very welcome!

So to recap…

  1. Download the programme
  2. Book your tickets
  3. Come to Paris
  4. Continue to network after the event