French Flame General Meeting held in Gif-sur-Yvette
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Sebastien CaillatIFRF Vice President

CF (French Flame) held their latest General Meeting at CNRS EM2C CentraleSupelec new laboratory which they recently moved to in Plateau de Saclay, in Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
The meeting included an informal meeting of CF members on 28th November, and the following day included presentations from Benoît Fiorina, EM2C CNRS on their new laboratory; an update on CF matters by David Honoré, CORIA CNRS; an update from IFRF from Sébastien Caillat, Fives Stein and IFRF Vice President; ‘Scale laws for flame length in oxy-combustion with or without rotating the jet’ by A.Degeneve, EM2C; ‘Prediction of the formation of pollutants from turbulent flames by the virtual chemistry method’ by Benoît Fiorina, EM2C and ‘Valorisation of iron and steel gases in reheating furnaces and continuous annealing lines’ by Sébastien Caillat, Fives Stein.
The meeting finished with a tour of the new laboratory at CNRS EM2C CentraleSupelec.