Tags Flame
- Die entstehung unerwunschter Verbrennungsprodukte aus industiellen Flammen (German translation of K 20/a/75).
Authors: Raymond D R
Published: January 1974
- Category: Technical Reports
- The structure of sprays in liquid fuel flames.
Published: January 1973
- Category: Technical Reports
- Ignition and combustion behaviour of swirling pulverized fuel flames.
Published: January 1970
- Category: Technical Reports
- C 12; Influence de la nature du charbon sur son inflammation et sa combustion.
Authors: Breithaupt P P
Published: January 1968
- Category: Technical Reports
- Study of ignition mechanism and recirculation of combustible products. C 11 trial.
Published: January 1967
- Category: Technical Reports
- Transfert de chaler a la sole dans le cas flammes incidentes d’huile avec air enrichi en oxygene: O-15.
Published: January 1967
- Category: Technical Reports