EC selects sites for detailed CCUS studies
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Patrick LaveryCombustion Industry News Editor
The European Commission’s STRATEGY CCUS project has selected four regions from a shortlist of eight “promising regions” across southern and eastern Europe for which to develop detailed carbon capture, usage and storage roadmaps. The Rhône Valley in France (which can service the Lyon and Marseille areas), Spain’s Ebro basin (around the Barcelona area), the Lusitanian basin in Portugal (north of Lisbon) , and Northern Croatia (which came fourth in the vote, but was added to the other three to represent eastern Europe). The first three chosen areas will now be the subject of in-depth life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis over the next 12 months, while Northern Croatia will be the subject of detailed economic modelling in addition to its roadmap. Study will also be conducted for the other four shortlisted areas in France, Greece, Poland and Romania, though it will be less in-depth; all the findings for the eight areas will influence 10, 20 and 30-year CCUS development scenarios. The work intends not only to demonstrate the lifetime feasibility of CCUS clusters, but also means of establishing social acceptance of the schemes, which may in turn lead to the beginnings of regional, national, and EC funding of infrastructure.