China Energy Group to launch another CCS project and add another 11 GW of ultra-low emissions coal-fired capacity over next two years
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Patrick LaveryCombustion Industry News Editor

China Energy Group, which supplies around 10% of China’s electricity, is planning to add 6 GW of ultra-low emissions coal-fired power generation capacity this year, and 5 GW the next, according to a report from Reuters. The new capacity is due to be deployed in areas of the country with poor wind and solar resources, gas being deemed too expensive a fuel. China Energy Group is also planning to launch a second carbon capture and storage project next year, to join its existing installation at a coal-to-oil facility in Ordos in Inner Mongolia. Electricity demand is still rising strongly in China, and the national government is juggling the need for expanding total generation capacity while closing smaller, inefficient, and dirtier coal-fired power plants, with an eye on its target of peaking carbon emissions by around 2030.
For information on other CCS projects in China, see here