• South African government shaping to commit additional funds to keep Eskom afloat

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    • Post Author

      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

  • The government of South Africa has earmarked an additional US$4.2 billion (€3.8 billion) to help state power utility Eskom out of its financial difficulties, as the Financial Times has written. Eskom is reportedly struggling to pay even the interest on its total debt, which stands at around US$30 billion (€26.9 billion), hence the need for the bail out, and rolling blackouts have been affecting the everyday lives of South Africans, as well as damaging the national economy. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is planning on splitting up the utility in a bid to make it more financially sustainable, but is facing some political pressure against doing so. The bailout still needs to be approved by parliament, and if approved will come with conditions set by Tito Mboweni, the finance minister, who has said the treasury is ready to end financial support if the conditions are not met.