Focus on IFRF member… CanmetENERGY-Ottawa
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Lucy StrakerIFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator
CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, a government research centre and a division of Natural Resources Canada, leads the development of energy S&T solutions for the environmental and economic benefit of Canadians. We leverage our scientific expertise, modelling capabilities and pilot-scale facilities to accelerate the advancement of clean energy technologies throughout the innovation cycle, spanning a wide range of Canadian and international industry segments.
Working closely with industrial stakeholders and domestic and international research collaborators, our combustion R&D aims to advance steam, heat and power generation systems using fossil and alternate fuels including bio- and waste fuels. The goal is to enhance energy efficiency, reduce freshwater use, and capture carbon and other pollutant emissions from combustion-related industrial processes.
Learn more about CanmetENERGY-Ottawa’s pursuit of a low carbon future by visiting our YouTube channel and website
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27th September 2020