TOTeM 39 Intro – D121-y-28 part 1a
Authors: S. Wilcox
The proceedings of TOTeM 39 – Oxy Coal Combustion have been published on the IFRF website and are available for perusal and download by IFRF Members.
As part of the EC co-funded RELCOM Project, IFRF organised an Oxy-coal Combustion TOTeM on June 18th and 19th 2013 on the premises of ENEL Research and Engineering in Pisa.
Keynote speakers at the two day event included Lars Strömberg of Chalmers University, Sweden who also chaired the proceedings, and Stanley Santos from IEA GHG. Invited presentations from specialists within the RELCOM team were complemented by input from four external speakers, Phil Smith of the University of Utah, Osvalda Senneca of CNR Naples, Klas Andersson of Chalmers University, and Flemming Frandsen of DTU.
Topics included:
- Flame ignition and stabilisation
- Heterogeneous phenomena in oxy/coal combustion
- Radiation and heat transfer modelling
- Coal characterisation in oxy/RFG
- Ash and Heavy Metals
- Explosion issues in Oxy-Coal Systems
- High Temperature Corrosion
Following the presentations, the meeting Chairman facilitated a panel discussion on Research needs for Oxy-coal Combustion.
Along with copies of the presentations made during the TOTeM, users may access the TOTeM programme, the delegate list and the introductory comments as well as the meeting conclusions drawn up by meeting Rapporteur and IFRF Superintendent of Research Neil Fricker.
Click here to see the full list of past IFRF events to 2000 - all related material is downloadable by IFRF Members.
TOTeM 41 “Optimisation of OXY/COAL/FGR systems – state of the art for scaling and modelling”. The event is the second public showcasing of the FP7 EU funded project - “RELCOM: Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures”.
TOTeM 41 was chaired by Prof. Wojciech Nowak of Czestochowa University of Technology, and featured a mix of keynote and invited speakers as well as a poster session. Delegates exposed to representatives from the project “Oxy-combustion technology for PC and FBC boilers with CO2 capture”, financed with a 25 million dollar grant from the National Center for Research & Development in Poland as part of the Advanced Technologies for Energy Generation programme.
The keynote speakers at the event were: Gerry Hesselmann (Doosan Babcock) who addressed the topic “Progress in oxy-fuel combustion”;Toby Lockwood of IEA – Clean Coal Centre, with “The international status of oxy-coal combustion for CCS” and Elzbieta Wroblewska from the Polish Ministry of Economy explore the "Society and political acceptance for CCS".
IFRF is a partner in RELCOM – “Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures” and this is the second TOTeM organized during the four year life of the project. The meetings provide an opportunity for project partners to disseminate their findings outside of the partner consortium.
Click here to see the full list of past IFRF events to 2000 - all related material is downloadable by IFRF Members.
Research: Conference
- 01 Flame ignition and stabilisation
- 02 Heterogeneous phenomena
- 03 Radiation and heat transfer modelling
- 04 Coal characterization in Oxy RFG
- 05 Ash and Trace Elements in Oxy Flames
- 06 Explosion issues
- 07 High Temperature Corrosion
- 08 TOTeM 39 Conclusions – D121-y-28 part 4
- 09 TOTeM 39 Intro – D121-y-28 part 1a
- 10 TOTeM 39 Intro TOTeM Objectives and Format LT – D121-y-28 part 1b
- 11 TOTEM 39 Programme – D121-y-28 part 2
- 12 TOTeM 39 Delegate List – D121-y-28 part 3
- 13 Chairman’s Overview
- 14 Burners for Oxy-coal_Review of Research
- 15 Beyond the boiler
Download PDFWilcox, S. (2013) TOTeM 39 Intro – D121-y-28 part 1a.