Jarek Hercog presentation
On June 17th and 18th 2008 at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, the IFRF conducted two workshops specifically related to the Members' Research Programme. The workshop on the Solid Fuel Database took place on the morning of June 18.
The workshop Chairman was Prof. Hartmut Spliethoff of Technical University Munich and a significant number of IFRF Member organisations sent representatives.
Below is the Agenda followed at the workshop:
1. Introduction and scope
2. Identification of existing data
3. IFRF Solid Fuel Database - Phase 1: program status and first outputs
4. Development of common methodologies for solid fuel characterisation and kinetic data/properties evaluation - pulverised fuel systems
5. Adding Members' data to the SFDB: development of protocols and qualification criteria for populating the database with additional data
6. Conclusions and future planning
In this site the following documents can be accessed:
1. A summary report (includes the delegate list)
2. IFRF draft report no. E 36/y/02 on the status of the SFD programme
3. Various relevant presentations
Evaluation copies of the existing Solid Fuel Database in Access will be distributed to selected IFRF Members only for comment before publication to the wider Member community via the IFRF website.
The action plan resulting from the workshop includes these steps:
- Establish programme for an Ad Hoc Working Group (IFRF) and on-line IFRF SFDB Forum
- Distribute evaluation copies of existing database to selected IFRF Members for comment
- Provide CFD needs (All)
- Provide recommendations for ash characterisation additional to SFDB (mainly DTU)
- Propose additions for other system rather than pulverised fuel combustions, i.e. Fixed Bed Combustors (DTU) and Fluidised beds (TUW), and other methods (i.e. HWM reactors)
- Set up a benchmarking programme for drop tubes and define a qualification procedure for such a device (in EFRI programme)
- EFRI to look for opportunities for seeking EC co-funding (or other for non-EU Members)
Research: Conference