• IFRF Conference 2025: Call for abstracts and registration now open

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      Greg Kelsall
  • As we announced recently, the IFRF Conference 2025 entitled, ‘Sustainable and safe industrial combustion’, will be held in Sheffield, UK on 17-19 June 2025.

    This three-day conference will offer a combination of plenary sessions, with invited keynote speakers from around the world, technical sessions related to major topics, a poster session, a tour of the Translational Energy Research Centre and sponsorship opportunities. 

    A Gala Dinner will also be held on the evening of 18th June 2025 at the University of Sheffield’s historic Firth Court.  

    Tickets and pricing

    We have been making progress with the organisation of the event and are now pleased to announce that registration is now open.

    The fee structure is:

    Early Bird (until 31/01/2025)




    IFRF Member £600 £700
    IFRF Non-member £700 £800

    Buy tickets on Ticket Tailor: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/internationalflameresearchfoundation/1470955 

    Conference theme

    The theme echoes the objective of IFRF and has direct relevance across a wide range of industrial sectors including power generation, iron/steel/aluminium production, oil and gas sector, refining and petrochemicals sector, glassmaking, ceramics production, district heating and cooling, cement production, lime and minerals processing, etc. 

    As such, the content of the conference will be of interest to delegates from around the world.

    Call for abstracts

    IFRF is now seeking abstracts of around 300 words for oral and poster paper presentation  from researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Advances in combustion technology for zero emissions and decarbonisation
    • Sustainable industrial practices in hard-to-abate sectors such as power generation, propulsion, cement, steel, glass, etc.
    • Pollutant and greenhouses gases emission reduction and control
    • Low carbon (eg. hydrogen, ammonia) and alternative fuels (eg. metals, SAF)
    • Thermal process optimisation
    • Innovations in industrial combustion systems
    • Measurement and sensing techniques for combustion efficiency, control and emissions
    • Modelling and AI tools for the digitalisation of energy-intensive industries

    Abstracts should be submitted by Friday, 31 January 2025 and should include a title, authors, affiliations, and a brief summary of the research. Selected abstracts will be invited to present their work at the conference.

    Abstracts should be submitted to Siobhan Green administration@ifrf.net using the template provided: IFRF-2025-Conference-Abstract-Template.

    Copies of all the Conference presentations will be available on the IFRF website after the event for participants and IFRF members. Selected authors will be invited to submit full papers for peer review with a view to publication in a ranked journal special issue or in IFRF’s online Industrial Combustion Journal.


    Sponsorship packages for the conference are available and will be announced shortly, including a sponsors exhibition which will run throughout the conference in the refreshments area to offer sponsors the opportunity to showcase their products/services to delegates. Please contact Siobhan Green administration@ifrf.net for more information.

    Full details of the conference, including abstract submission, registration and accommodation are available on the conference event page.

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