Download our three new flyers!
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Lucy StrakerIFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator

As part of our revamping and redesigning of IFRF over the recent years, we have produced three new flyers outlining what we do and how you can get involved.
‘Join IFRF’s Global Network’
IFRF is a network of industry and academia representatives from across the globe who are passionate about promoting and sharing applied combustion research. Here we describe the benefits of being part of this network and how you can get involved.
‘What we do’
Here we provide you with an overview of our mission and values, why IFRF is needed and the networking and research activities that we have planned.
‘Industrial Combustion Journal’
The Industrial Combustion Journal is IFRF’s online journal and publishes research on practical and theoretical aspects of combustion science related to industrial applications. Here we encourage you to browse the published papers and submit your own for review.
Learn more about IFRF’s history in the ‘About Us’ section of our website.