• 2nd Announcement of IERE’s 2019 General Meeting and PIESA-IERE South Africa Forum

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      Lucy Straker

      IFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator

  • IERE welcomes you to the 2019 General Meeting and PIESA-IERE South Africa Forum which will be held in Sun City, South Africa from 28th to 31st October 2019.

    The event will be a platform for sharing ideas and experiences between electricity utility executives, operational staff, research professionals and other stakeholders from Africa and the international community to evaluate the trends in the supply of electricity in support of accelerated electrification.

    The 4th Industrial Revolution’s technologies includes artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and drones, the Internet of Things, advanced materials, biotechnology. Many are already showing promise at reshaping several sectors, including transport, energy, waste, water, and cities, and change will only accelerate. Energy utilities can harness these pioneering technologies, combined with each other and with new business models, to not only enhance economic productivity but to reduce environmental impact and increase social wellbeing, with reference to the need of stimulating reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity supply to the African continent.

    The Forum’s theme “Electricity and the 4th Industrial Revolution – an African Perspective” is totally appropriate. The need to understand the challenges that face businesses over the next decades is an imperative and, as such, the sharing of knowledge, experiences, successes and failures will indeed go a long way in understanding which technology roadmap of the future.

    The Forum’s networking and discussion platforms will explore how utilities can be more efficient in terms of applying and understanding the value added of 4IR and offer cost-effective services through improved infrastructure maintenance, load management, delivery and revenue management choices. Increasing pressure is also exerted on all businesses to take environmental considerations on board in all their operations. Such pressure emanates from a variety of sources: consumers, competitors, pressure groups and local communities.

    The Forum is intended for experts actively involved in the selected themes, from IERE members and non-members, as well as all those interested in the evolution of the electrical power industry and the technology development and business development opportunities associated to this evolution. IERE will invite prominent speakers for keynote speeches.

    Outline Schedule:

    • Monday 28th October 2019 – Welcome Reception (evening)
    • Tuesday 29th October 2019 – The 2019 General Meeting and PIESA-IERE South Africa Forum (Day 1), Official Dinner
    • Wednesday 30th October 2019 – The 2019 General Meeting and PIESA-IERE South Africa Forum (Day 2)
    • Thursday 31st October 2019 Safari Tour (Optional)

    Session themes

    1. Evolving 4IR technologies and its effect on the customer
    2. Asset Management – let’s get smart about it
    3. Distributed Renewable Energy Technologies: Are we ready?
    4. Advanced distribution automation in the 4IR era
    5. 4IR’s impact on revenue collection and non-technical losses


    The deadline for registration is nearly upon us. Book your tickets before 27th September 2019 to make sure you don’t miss out. Ticket pricings is as follows:

    • $800 (USD) for IERE members
    • $600 (USD) for PIESA members
    • $550 (USD) for Academics
    • $950 (USD) for non-members not located in Africa
    • $50 (USD) for optional safari tour

    To register for this exciting event please complete the registration form (here) and send it to register@iere.jp

    Conference Venue

    The event will be held at Sun City Convention Centre, South Africa. The address for the venue is Sun City Resort, 0316, North West Province, South Africa. Their website can be found here. Discounted room rates are available. Please send a room reservation form directly to the hotel. Download the hotel booking form here.

    For full details about the event including the programme and introductions from the IERE and PIESA chairs, please view the event announcement here.