Tags Heat
- Heat transfer in gas fired furnaces. A semi empirical model combining the zone method for radiation and an integral technique for the flow patterns.
Published: January 1983
- Category: Technical Reports
- Application of jet impinging heating to slabs in a continuous reheating furnace.
Authors: Glinkov M A
Published: January 1980
- Category: Technical Reports
- Radiation from flame in high temperature furnace.
Authors: Murphee D L
Published: January 1980
- Category: Technical Reports
- The experimental results of the heat transfer by flame impingement.
Authors: Nicholson R
Published: January 1978
- Category: Technical Reports
- The zone method analysis of radiant heat transfer. A model for luminous radiation.
Published: January 1972
- Category: Technical Reports
- Modele mathematique de distribution de flux de chaleur dans les fours.
Authors: Droin R
Published: January 1971
- Category: Technical Reports