Tags DEL
- List of Members of the Joint Committee, Associate Members, National Secretaries and Members of the panels.
Authors: Michel J B
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Reduction simultanee de NOx et SO2 dans les flammes de charbon pulverise par application comdinee de la combustion etagee et de l’injection directe de chaux.
Authors: Agostini A
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Caracteristiques de combustion de combustibles ‘charbon-fuel’.
Authors: Tan K J
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Le programme de recherches français sur les melanges charbon-fuel.
Authors: Baumbach G
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Processus chimiques la combustion du charbon pulvérisé.
Authors: Masdin E G
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Production of flames for the greater use of coal in the Iron and Steel industry.
Authors: Brecht C
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports