• North Sea Oil and Gas Industry Urged to Get Cleaner

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  • The North Sea Transition Authority (NTSA) has warned North Sea oil and gas operators that they could fail to meet their commitments to slash emissions if further pollution-cutting measures are not adopted.

    In a new review, the NTSA, which regulates the oil and gas, offshore hydrogen and carbon industries, cites slowness to decommission wells due for abandonment amongst other criticisms. These include an 11% decline in UK Continental Shelf production, aggravated by unplanned outages, and a 1% decrease in production efficiency. The latter is a key indicator of the effectiveness of asset use by operators.

    According to the NTSA review, North Sea oil and gas operators could invest as much as £3 billion on projects designed to cut 32m tonnes from total CO2 emissions. Such projects include using low carbon power on platforms and eliminating routine flaring and venting. To date, fewer than half of these projects have been given the go ahead.

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