• Osaka Gas and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to study carbon dioxide value chain in hopes of achieving 2050 net zero

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    • Post Author

      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

  • Osaka Gas and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are to work together on a feasibility study on establishing a CO2 value chain that would include capturing carbon dioxide and then transporting it overseas for storage and/or to use it in the production of synthetic ‘e-methane’.

    According to the press release, the study would focus on creating an efficient value chain by “leveraging Osaka Gas’s know-how on e-methane production and CO2 storage, and MHI’s expertise in CO2 capture, liquefied CO2 maritime vessel transport, and CO2 management.” There will be a particular focus on hard-to-abate industries including steel, cement and chemicals making; CO2NNEX, a digital platform being developed by MHI and IBM Japan for visualising CO2 value chains, will be used as part of the project.

    Although it is only a feasibility study at this stage, Osaka Gas and MHI hope that their work will help Japan achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 (as well as their company goals for the same timeframe). Japan’s high seismic activity is one reason why domestic underground storage of CO2 is not part of the study.