• Seminar Agenda



On 14 July 2009 the Italian National Committee of the IFRF hosted a seminar at the Department of Physics, Milan University entitled Combustion Simulation, Diagnostics and Experimentation.  The seminar was attended by a good number of Italian IFRF member organisations, namely ENEA, Italcementi, TENOVA, CSM and ANSYS ITALIA.

Dr. F. R. Picchia of ENEA delivered the keynote address: High Performance Computing and advanced numerical simulation for the development of innovative combustion technologies.

Certain of the presentations included here are written in Italian.  To request an English translation, please contact Tracey Biller at the IFRF offices in Livorno.




On 14 July 2009 the Italian National Committee of the IFRF hosted a seminar at the Department of Physics, Milan University entitled Combustion Simulation, Diagnostics and Experimentation.  The seminar was attended by a good number of Italian IFRF member organisations, namely ENEA, Italcementi, TENOVA, CSM and ANSYS ITALIA.

Dr. F. R. Picchia of ENEA delivered the keynote address: High Performance Computing and advanced numerical simulation for the development of innovative combustion technologies.

Certain of the presentations included here are written in Italian.  To request an English translation, please contact Tracey Biller at the IFRF offices in Livorno.