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    • Ukraine ratifies Kyoto protocol

    The Ukrainian parliament has voted to ratify the Kyoto protocol. The Environment minister has argued that the country would be able to earn $1.5 Bn selling surplus allowances. The country is also keen to encourage investment through JI projects. (Source: Energy-Directory.com)

    • Electrabel confirms ELIA floating

    Electrabel has confirmed that it will float its affiliate Belgium HV transmission company ELIA. (Source: Energy-Directory.com)

    • Italy explores biomass potential

    Last month Environment minister set up the National Biomass Research Centre at Perugia University which will study the technical and incentive issues for the wider application of biomass. Italy has around 7m hectares of forest and agricultural land, which can be a source for biomass. Currently just 2.8% of this area is used for biomass. (Source: Energy-Directory.com)

    • UK IPE to launch emissions trading

    The UK International Petroleum Exchange is considering launching a greenhouse gas emissions trading contract as well as weather derivatives. Chief executive Richard Ward, said that the exchange is also looking again at restarting its UK electricity futures product, which it abandoned in 2002. (Source: Energy-Directory.com)

    • Enel sees squeeze on wires revenue

    Enel will see a 4.3% cut in transmission and distribution revenues this year as a result of the new tariff structure for 2004-2007. (Source: Energy-Directory.com)

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