• Virus Attack

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      Peter Roberts
  • Starting recently there has been a build up of emails which contain virus attachments some of which appear to have been sent from IFRF email addresses – for example combustion-centre@ifrf.net.

    We must point out that these last email messages do not come from the IFRF.

    Rather they are automatically generated on infected PCs, which fake the “from” email address by using email addresses harvested form the Internet. These lists can, even include your own email client’s address book.


    • Keep your virus scan system up to date on a daily basis
    • Do not open attachments from people you do not know – would you readily accept a sweet from a stranger?
    • Be vigilant also with attachments from people you do know – scan them first, if your scanner does not do this automatically.

    Meanwhile if you are receiving viruses attached to what appears to be an IFRF address, we both sympathise and apologise – but we never knowingly send out messages with virus attachments; to avoid this we are continuously checking and updating our systems.

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