• VGB Workshop High Temperature Corrosion in Biomass Power Plants

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  • VGB invites to the Workshop on “High-Temperature Chlorine Corrosion in Biomass Power Plants”together with Fraunhofer UMSICHT at 15th December 2015 in Oberhausen/Germany.

    Due to legislative prerequisites and economic pressure on the renewable energy market utilization of waste-wood, agricultural and forestry by-products in biomass power plants increases. These fuels have high chlorine and alkali contents. Therefore corrosion reduction and avoidance of slagging and fouling become more and more important.

    The aim of this workshop is to present appropriate practical solutions for these challenges and to discuss potential improvements for firing as well as co-firing biomass, aside from lowering live steam temperatures.

    The workshop will highlight:
    – Basics and damage mechanism
    – Operational experiences
    – Choosing the right fuel combination
    – Preventing corrosion by additives
    – How to monitor corrosion online

    The workshop is amongst others addressing all persons responsible for supervision and planning of biomass power plants as well as those who are in charge of maintenance and operation. The program will leave enough time for extensive discussions and answering your questions
    We are looking forward to your participation and to welcome you in Oberhausen.

    Take the opporunity to optimise the availability and durability of biomass power plants with the results of this workshop and the support of the VGB-community.

    For more info about the workshop program or for registration click here.

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