Use of Gaseous Fuels in industry
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TOTeM 44: Gaseous fuels for industry and power generation: challenges and opportunities” in Essen, Germany.
Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e. V. (GWI) and IFRF are currently preparing “TOTeM 44:Gaseous fuels for industry and power generation: challenges and opportunities”, to be held at GWI’s premises in Essen, Germany on November 17-18, 2016. The event will focus on the large-scale utilization of gaseous fuels and will address new challenges which arise due to changing international gas markets, the H-gas harmonization process in Europe, but also the increasing role of renewable gases and the consequences for end users in the industrial and power generation sectors.
The event will consist of three sessions on issues of natural gas quality, hydrogen and “power-to-gas” and the direct use of biogas in industrial heating processes, as well as an accompanying poster session. There is a provisional Programme at http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=606
Anybody interested in contributing to this TOTeM by poster or presentation is invited to contact the organizers via info@ifrf.net or leicher@gwi-essen.de.