Update on IFRF Research
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Neil Fricker
The IFRF is engaged in an active programme of contract research at the facilities of the ENEL laboratories in Livorno, Italy. During a recent visit to attend the IFRF Executive Committee meeting, I was able to see for myself the progress that has been made:
- The IFRF’s Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor is now fully operational in both air and Oxy/RFG modes. During my visit, I was able to witness the IPFR in action investigating the formation and fate of aerosols when firing coal and biomass blends in the presence of sulphur oxides. This work is being undertaken with Centro Pisa Ricerche (CPR) on behalf of ENEL and will form the subject of an IFRF report after the usual period of confidentiality. IFRF Members wishing to know more about this activity prior to publication should approach IFRF Director Leo Tognotti in the first instance.
- The work to establish an oxy-coal or oxy-natural gas capability on the FoSper furnace (= the former IFRF No 1 Furnace) is now complete. In addition to new oxygen, RFG and coal supply systems, the furnace is now fitted with sealed access ports that are vitally important to reducing air ingress when operating under oxy-combustion conditions. Enhancements have also been made to the surroundings of the furnace to improve the support of measuring probes and to protect the measuring teams from the sun! FoSper is now one of the few experimental rigs allowing access to Oxy/RFG/Coal and Oxy/RFG/Gas flames at a pilot scale of 2 to 3 MW.
FoSper probe carriage and sealed measuring ports
- FoSper is currently running on behalf of Germany’s USTUTT to allow them to collect deposits for corrosion studies within an OXY/RFG/Coal flame – part of the EC co-funded OXYCORR2 project. During this period, IFRF Member ENEA will also undertake additional flue gas measurements to continue the development of their ODC probe. An IFRF Member report on the testing of this new device will follow.
- IFRF itself has continued to test proprietary software for direct calculation of velocities from the pressure readings from its water cooled 5-hole pitot-tube. Many IFRF probes are now available to purchase from IFRF in Italy including suction pyrometers and heat-flux meters. Giovanni Coraggio should be contacted in this regard.
- Further testing is on-going on the use of the FTIR approach for in-flame measurements of minor species. This work is throwing up some interesting challenges, and IFRF would like to hear from Members who might like us to arrange for an EFRI style ‘users’ workshop in this area. Please contact Leo Tognotti.