• Update on biomass co-firing TOTeM in Poland

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  • Registration is still open for TOTeM 37, “Innovative and advanced co-firing technologies” which takes place on 22 and 23 September 2011 at the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland.  

    Organised by IFRF to disseminate information about the FP7 EU funded project DEBCO – “Demonstration of Large Scale Biomass Co-Firing and Supply Chain Integration”, this meeting features input also from RECOMBIO, another FP7 EU funded project which has similar objectives, being concerned with the efficient co-utilisation of low quality biomasses and Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) produced from municipal solid waste. 

    Activities around TOTeM 37 include a site visit to PCC Rokita SA.  The visit takes place after the TOTeM proceedings which terminate in a lunch on the Friday afternoon.  Delegates will be contacted separately to confirm their participation in the site visit.  Transport will be provided from Wroclaw University and participants will be assisted to proceed directly to the airport in the early evening for their return flights.

    An official announcement including a draft programme can be accessed from the IFRF Events Calendar.  A registration form is also available.

    Readers are invited to consult the Events Calendar for details of other pending events which include the German Flame Day – next week, and the 2011 AFRC Combustion Symposium which opens with a session on industrial flares and takes place in Houston Texas between 18 and 21 September.

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