• Upcoming combustion events

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  • Two interesting courses are going to be organizing in January by Faculty of Engineering of Leeds University.

    First of them, Energy from Biomass Combustion (12-16 January 2015) will provide a comprehensive overview of energy from biomass combustion and will give delegates a sound understanding of the fundamentals and practicalities in the following areas:
    – Basics of solid biomass combustion
    – Dedicated Biomass Installations
    – Solid biomass for electricity generation
    – Biogas and landfill gas for process heat and power generation
    – Sustainability and Safety for Biomass
    – Storage of Biomass
    – Liquid biofuels for transportation petrol and diesel engines

    The second one, Ultra Low NOx Gas Turbine Combustion 2015 (19-23 January 2015) is an annual short course, now in its fifteenth year, which will cover:
    – Fundamentals of NOx formation
    – CO emissions, film cooling, flammability, flame propagation, weak extinction and flashback
    – Premixed low NOx combustors and the importance of fuel/air mixing
    – Practical lean ultra low NOx combustors

     In February we would like to highlight next two events. Central & Eastern European (CEE) Power Conference will be held in Prague from 17th to 18th February and will gather senior level representatives from the region’s leading power producers, power plants developers, regulators, traders, financiers and market analysts for frank discussions & debates about the future of the regions’s energy mix.

    BioEnergy Italy, Salone delle Tecnologie per Rinnovabili (Cremona, Italy, 25-27 February) presents a programme of tailored events dedicated to energy professionals and people wanting to enter this sector. Conferences, seminars and workshops will host dozens of high level professionals who will share their experience to in order to better understand the green energy field, its future and the necessary tools to face the market.

    Consult the Calendar for information about details and another combustion events to happen in 2015.

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