Tuscany Welcomes IFRF Plans
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A large and enthusiastic group of the Italian industrial combustion community were present at ENEL Ricerca’s Livorno facility on Thursday 2nd February to listen to the announcement of plans for the move of the IFRF to Tuscany later this year.
Tuscany Governor Claudio Martini heard presentations from ENEL Ricerca Director Gennaro de Michele and Pisa University’s Dean of Engineering Emilio Vitale. They spoke on behalf of the Centre of Excellence to be established between the University and ENEL Ricerca to act as the new host of the IFRF.
Current IFRF Director Neil Fricker described the history and achievements of the IFRF, while incoming IFRF Director Leonardo Tognotti outlined the plans for the future. In his response, Governor Martini emphasised the importance of energy in the Tuscany context, and welcomed in particular the simultaneous objectives of the IFRF’s combustion research, the efficient and clean use of industrial fuels. Governor Martini expressed his support of the new initiative.
After the formal presentations, the participants, drawn from Tuscany local government agencies, the local press and local television, joined with the Italian combustion community to visit the impressive ENEL Ricerca combustion tests facilities at Livorno which are to be made available for future IFRF work. Over 100 people attended this event to promote and launch the relocation of the IFRF.
Former IFRF Investigator Milani joins crowd awaiting Tuscany’s Governor at the ENEL Livorno Research Facility
The five speakers on the platform: from left to right, Gennaro De Michele – Director of ENEL Ricerca, Claudio Martini – Governor of Tuscany , Leonardo Tognotti – incoming IFRF Director, Neil Fricker – Current IFRF Director, Emilio Vitale, Pisa’s Dean of Engineering.
Buffet lunch in former turbine hall.
Claudio Martini – Governor of Tuscany , Leonardo Tognotti – incoming IFRF Director, Gennaro De Michele – Director of ENEL Ricerca on the platform.
Tuscany Governor Martini meets the press
The replica IFRF Furnace No 1 fires a Gas-Pulverised Coal mix.