TOTeMs, Flame Days and Combustion Meetings…
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We are please to remind our readers about the following TOTeMs, Flame Days and other combustion meeting:
IFRF Topic Oriented Technical Meetings (TOTeMs)
TOTeM25 – Stockholm
The Quest for Zero Emissions in Industrial Furnaces – State of the Art and Future Development of High Temperature Air CombustionChairman: Wlodzimierz Blasiak, Royal Institute of Technology
23rd and 24th October 2003
Jernkontoret, Stockholm, SwedenProgramme and agenda for the Stockholm TOTeM is now available at:
So Register Now!!!
Birmingham TOTeM Cluster
Carbon Dioxide – Control – Concentration – Sequestration – Emissions Trading…Chairman: Nick Otter, Alstom Power Technology
Chairman: Jim Seebold, Chevron Texaco (ret.)
25th and 26th November 2003
Austin Court, Birmingham City Centre, United KingdomPlanning and development of programme and agenda for the Birmingham is now in advanced staged. So watch out for future announcement…
National Flame Days
21st German Flame Day
9th and 10th September 2003
Cottbus, Germany*********************************
2003 AFRC Fall Meeting
International Symposium on Combustion Research and Industrial Practice: Bridging the Gap
Chairman: Robert Gallagher
16th and 17th October, 2003
Combustion Research Facility (CRF)
Sandia National Laboratories- Livermore, California, USA*********************************
Australian Flame Days
2003 Australian Symposium on Combustion & The 8th Australian Flame Days
8th and 9th December 2003
Monash University, AustraliaOther Combustion Meetings
Combustion Canada ’03
22nd – 24th September 2003
Vancouver, CanadaPowerGen International
9th – 11th December 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA