• TOTeM45: Outline programme published and registrations now open

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      Philip Sharman

      IFRF Director

  • Gas has a key role in future energy systems.  It can be used to meet carbon reduction and climate change mitigation targets.  It is likely to be a major part of the solution to decarbonising heat and transport, improving air quality and delivering security of supply.

    However, gas – and particularly its use in gas turbines (GTs, aka ‘combustion turbines’) – needs to meet the challenges facing energy systems in the 21st century.  It needs to provide flexible power to complement the increasing use of renewable (but often intermittent) energy sources; it increasingly needs to be a cost-effective energy vector in responsive energy storage solutions; it needs to enable a rapid move to safe, decarbonised energy; gas-fired systems need to offer high reliability, availability and maintainability at lower cost through advanced manufacturing of components…

    In this context, we are pleased to announce that the IFRF, in conjunction with the Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC) of Cardiff University, is organising the 45th Topic Oriented Technical Meeting (TOTeM 45) on ‘Gas Turbines for Future Energy Systems’.

    This two-day meeting will take place in Cardiff, UK, on 3-4 September and will address the following themes:

    • GTs for flexible power – operational flexibility, fuels flexibility
    • GTs for storage-to-power – role in power-to-gas schemes, ammonia concepts
    • GTs for safe decarbonised power – incremental efficiency improvement, exhaust/flue gas recycling, carbon capture options, hydrogen safety
    • Manufacturing the GTs of tomorrow – additive manufacturing, new materials

    The provisional programme is available here, and the meeting also includes a networking dinner at Cardiff Castle on 3rd September and a site visit to GTRC’s facilities on 4th September.  For those planning to attend the ECCRIA 12 conference (5-7 Sept), the venue is the same (i.e. Queens Building, Cardiff University).

    Registration for TOTeM 45 is £450 (£350 for IFRF, APGTF and FERF members) and covers the meeting, refreshments, networking dinner and site visit (but not your accommodation).  An Eventbrite webpage for registration, discounted accommodation, travel information, etc. is available here.

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