TOTeM 45 – Save the date!
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Philip SharmanIFRF Director
We are pleased to announce that IFRF, in conjunction with the Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC) of Cardiff University, is organising the 45th Topic-Oriented Technical Meeting (TOTeM45) on ‘Gas Turbines for Future Energy Systems’. This two-day meeting will take place in Cardiff, UK, on 3rd – 4th September.
The meeting will address a number of aspects of gas (combustion) turbines for the future:
- GTs for flexible power – operational flexibility, fuels flexibility
- GTs for storage-to-power – role in power-to-gas schemes, ammonia concepts
- GTs for decarbonised power – incremental efficiency improvement, exhaust/flue gas recycling, carbon capture options
- Manufacturing the GTs of tomorrow – additive manufacturing, new materials
The meeting will include a networking dinner at Cardiff Castle on 3rd September and a site visit to GTRC’s facilities on 4th September. For those planning to attend the ECCRIA12 conference, the venue is the same (Queens Building, Cardiff University).
Registration will be £450 ex VAT (£350 ex VAT for IFRF, APGTF and FERF members) – covers the meeting, refreshments, the networking dinner and the site visit (but not your accommodation). An Eventbrite webpage for registration, discounted accommodation, travel information, etc. will be available next month – watch this space!
TOTeM45 is sponsored by APGTF, FERF, GTRC and SELECT Project. Other organisations interested in becoming sponsors should contact Lucy at administration@ifrf.net.