• TOTeM 38 – Tar and Sulphur sampling and analysis

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      Neil Fricker
  • The 38th IFRF Topic Oriented Technical Meeting Tar and Sulphur sampling and analysis will bring specialists together around the FP7 EU funded project – “Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge” – BRISK.

    The objective of the TOTeM, which will be accommodated as a 1-day event within the 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Copenhagen, is to present the state of the art in measurement techniques (sampling and analysis) for tar and organic sulphur compounds.

    The event takes place on 6 June and should be of interest to anyone involved with sampling and analysis of tars and sulphur compounds in hot gas streams. 

    In addition to invited reviews on current methods and protocols, the TOTeM will be used to launch a programme of round robin testing of existing techniques.  Delegates will be able to participate in the round robin programme either through offering a test facility for such measurements, or by collecting samples from other test rigs with their own instrumentation.

    A specific feature of this event will be the opportunity to identify BRISK test rigs where visiting researchers may apply for Transnational Access to undertake their own testing with EC funding paying the operating costs of the test rigs.

    Access to the TOTeM will be free of charge to 21st European Biomass Conference delegates.  Those wishing to attend only the TOTeM and the associated 21st European Biomass Exhibition may register for both these events at a reduced day rate of €200.  Further details of how to register and to take advantage of the discounted registration fee may be found in the First Announcement on the IFRF Events Calendar.  

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