TOTeM 37 Proceedings available online this week
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The proceedings from TOTeM 37, Innovative and Advanced Co-firing Technologies, held two weeks ago at Wroclaw University of Technology, will be available on the IFRF website later this week.
The meeting was organised by the IFRF which has a dissemination role in the DEBCO (Demonstration of large scale Biomass Co-firing and supply chain integration) project, and featured speakers from partner organisations in both the DEBCO and RECOMBIO (Recovered Fuels combined with Biomass) projects, both funded under the auspices of the EU FP7 programme.
DEBCO brings together some fundamental studies of coal-biomass co-firing with full scale demonstrations of the technique on power plants in Belgium and Italy. Further information is available at the DEBCO website which is managed by the IFRF.
The RECOMBIO project is concerned with development and demonstrations of innovative approaches to the high efficient co-utilisation of low quality biomasses and Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) produced from municipal solid waste (MSW).
The TOTeM 37 programme included keynote reviews on Co-firing in EU power plants, and on modelling of co-firing systems. The meeting was chaired by IFRF Director Leo Tognotti.
From Wednesday morning this week, IFRF Members may download all the presentations as well as the meeting conclusions from the Conferences area of the IFRF website.