TOTeM 35 – Deadline for Registration, final programme published
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Delegates are urged to register this week for TOTeM 35 – Co-firing secondary fuels in power generation: from fuel characterization to full scale testing. This meeting is a first for the IFRF as it brings secondary fuel specialists together to discuss a current FP7 EU funded project. IFRF is coordinating communication on the project which is entitled “Demonstration of Large Scale Biomass Co-Firing and Supply Chain Integration – DEBCO”.
Alongside presentations by representatives from some of the 17 European partners in the project, there will be two keynote addresses by experts in the field, Professor Hartmut Spliethoff of Technical University Munich and Professor Flemming Frandsen of DTU Denmark. Full details are available in the meeting programme, which can be downloaded from the IFRF Events Calendar along with a registration form.