• TOTeM 34 Registration opens

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  • A registration form and information brochure are now available for TOTeM 34 – Gas Turbine Research: Fuels, Combustion, Heat Transfer and Emissions.  The documents may be accessed via the above link to the IFRF Events Calendar and also from http://www.cu-gtrc.eu

    TOTeM 34 is being co-organised by the IFRF and Cardiff University Gas Turbine Research Centre and takes place on 22nd and 23rd April 2010 with first day sessions at Cardiff University and second day sessions at the Gas Turbine Research Centre, Port Talbot, Wales, UK.

    With the publication of the information brochure today, the organisers have been able to consolidate and extend the information provided in previous issues of MNM,  covering all delegate requirements  in a single document.  

    Amongst the additions to the final programme included in the brochure is the confirmation that the Sub-Topic Lecture “Combustion Chemistry under Elevated Temperature and Pressure” will be given by Prof. Peter Lindstedt, Director of Research, Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, UK.  Details of IFRF Introductory Presentations are also included. 

    Other new information includes the arrangements for accommodation – there is the possibility of guaranteed price rooms for bookings made before 18th March 2010.

    A future edition of MNM will feature the Call for Poster Presentations on work in progress in the scientific/technical areas specified.  In terms of the customary TOTeM format, the information presented in the Poster Session will augment the invited lectures so as to provide a good basis for a discussion session be aimed at determining and agreeing the short, medium and long term research goals in Gas Turbine related research.

    Completed Registration Forms should be emailed to totem34@cu-gtrc.eu or faxed to +44 2920 874716.

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