• TOTeM 34 Programme Announcement

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  • TOTeM34 will take place on 22nd and 23rd April 2010 with first day sessions to be held at Cardiff University and 2nd day sessions at the Gas Turbine Research Centre, Port Talbot, Wales, UK.

    The meeting is co-Chaired by Professor Allan Jones, Managing Director of E.ON Engineering, Gelsenkirchen, Germany and Nottingham, UK and Cath Goy, Team Leader, Combustion Technology with E.ON Engineering UK, Ratcliffe on Soar, UK.

    The technical programme will commence with a Keynote lecture from the Chair entitled:  “Gas Turbines for the future – The Need for Research”.  This will be followed a series of sub-Topic lectures presented by a group of invited experts in the field.

    The programme of sub-Topic lectures is almost complete.  The present status is given below:

    “Hydrogen Combustion in Gas Turbines”
    Stefano SIGALI of ENEL Engineering and Innovation- Research, Pisa, Italy
    (Co authors for this presentation are: N. Rossi and G. Sonato)

    “Gas Turbine Combustion – Instabilities and Operational Issues”
    Tim LIEUWEN,  Associate Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA, USA

    “Technology to Reduce Gas Turbine emissions and Environmental Impact”
    Ian RITCHEY, Head of Aerospace Research and Technology, Rolls-Royce, UK

    “Gas turbine lean premixed combustion, Principles of Modelling”
    Vladimir ZIMONT, Professor, Scientific Head-CCT Area at CSR4 Research Centre, Cagliari, Italy

    “Combustion chemistry under elevated temperature and pressure”
    Speaker to be confirmed

    “Infrastructures for Gas Turbine combustion measurement”
    Peter JANSOHN, Head – Combustion Research Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villegan, Switzerland

    “Gas Turbine Heat transfer and cooling”
    Artem KHALATOV, Head – Thermodynamics Department of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev City, Ukraine.

    Full details of the order of presentation will be published shortly in the TOTeM34 Flyer which will include the call for Poster Presentations on work in progress in the scientific/technical areas indicated above.  The information presented in this session will of course augment that presented in the invited lectures, together providing a good basis for the discussion sessions which will be aimed at determining and agreeing the short, medium and long term research goals in Gas Turbine related research.

    MNM readers will be regularly updated on developments in TOTeM 34 planning.   Meanwhile potential delegates are invited to diarise the event and plan to participate.

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