• TOTeM 34 Call for Posters

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  • It is with great pleasure that the IFRF and the Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC), Cardiff School of Engineering, invite the submission of  Poster Presentations for TOTeM  34 on the topic of Gas Turbine Research: Fuels, Combustion, Heat Transfer and Emissions.  The event takes place on 22 April 2010 at Cardiff University and 23rd April 2010 at GTRC, Port Talbot, Wales UK.

    Traditionally, the purpose of IFRF Topic Oriented Technical Meetings (TOTeMs) is to determine the short-to-long- term research objectives within a main Topic area.   During the first day of the two day meeting, sub topics within that main Topic area are addressed by invited experts.   Subsequently, industrial R&D departments, Research Institutes and University Research Groups have the opportunity to report on work in progress by means of Poster Presentations. 

    The second day is dedicated to detailed discussion sessions moderated by the TOTeM Chair and based on the work presented.  All participants may contribute.  The meeting ends with the drawing of conclusions by the Chair, in cooperation with the Rapporteur.

    The work to be presented in the TOTeM 34 Poster Session should describe ongoing or recently completed R&D relating to Gas Turbine Combustion.  Posters may either relate directly to the TOTeM 34 sub-Topics listed (see Brochure) or to a broader spectrum of Gas Turbine R&D – or indeed other applications involving fuels conversion at high pressure.   In all cases, the information presented in the Poster Presentations will also be included in the overall pool of information for the discussion sessions on 23rd April which will lead to the formulation of Gas Turbine and related combustion research goals.

    The full programme is contained in the TOTeM 34 Brochure.  The Registration Form and Call for Posters are available from the same link and also from http://www.cu-gtrc.eu

    To register for TOTeM 34 download the Registration Form, complete it as requested and scan/email to totem34@cu-gtrc.eu or fax it to +44 2920 874716.

    Delegates should note that the Mercure Holland House Hotel & Spa, Cardiff, have extended their guaranteed price of £88/night bed & breakfast until 1st April.

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