• TOTeM 31 Speakers confirmed

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  • The programme for the November TOTeM “Oxy-Combustion technologies and applications” (TOTeM 31) now includes the names of six speakers alongside Professor Jost Wendt who will deliver the keynote address.  Registrations are open until 20th October and a call is open for posters.

    The meeting, which will take place at the ENEL Auditorium in Pisa on 13 and 14 November, will open with Professor Wendt’s keynote lecture entitled  Oxy-coal combustion for CO2 Control: Research Needs, Opportunities and Challenges.

    Other confirmed speakers and topics are:

    Firing issues related to oxy-fuel process
    G. Scheffknecht, J. Maier,
    Institute of Process Engineering and Power Plant Technology (IVD), University of Stuttgart, Germany

    Emission formation and radiative heat transfer in oxy-fuel combustion – an overview of the research activities at Chalmers
    K. Andersson,  Chalmers University, Sweden.

    Innovative use of oxygen in power plants
    Speaker to be defined, Praxair, USA

    Past and present work on oxy-combustion at IFRF
    G.Coraggio et al., IFRF, Italy.

    Controlled Staging with Non-Stoichiometric Burners for Oxyfuel combustion
    H.Spliethoff et al., Technical University of Munich, Germany

    Oxy-coal combustion project at ENEL
    G.Benelli et Al., ENEL Ricerca, Italy

    Other contributions are still expected from organisations such as Air Liquide, Reaction Engineering and Endesa.  The draft programme will be updated online as confirmations are received and would-be participants can access all the relevant information as well as a registration form on the IFRF Events Calendar at http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=297 

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