TOTeM 28, Mercury, Trace Metals & Microparticulates – Issues and Solutions
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TOTeM 28 will take place on Monday March 13th & Tuesday March 14th 2006 at the University of Utah, Salt lake City, USA. This will be the first TOTeM to adopt the revised format first proposed at the 14th IFRF Members Conference and now adopted formally by the IFRF. This means that it will be followed on Tuesday 14th March by a Workshop which will seek to set an agenda for taking forward individual and cooperative R&D activities in the TOTeM topic area.
Being held outside Europe, this will also be the first TOTeM to form part of the recently announced globalisation of the IFRF’s meetings activities. TOTeM Chairman Professor Jost Wendt of the University of Utah has arranged an exciting panel of invited speakers, which will allow the TOTeM to cover US, European, Chinese and world wide perspectives on this important topic.
The TOTeM will include:
- Keynote Lecture: “Mercury Control Strategies and Emerging State and Federal Regulations” Praveen Amar, Director Science & Policy, NESCAUM, Boston, MA
- Issues, Directives and Programmes in US, China, Europe and the developing world – speakers from US EPA, US DoE, and Europe (including a presentation by incoming IFRF Director Leo Tognotti)
- Invited Technical Reviews on the analysis, formation and destruction/separation of trace metal and carbon microparticulates from Europe and North America
- A workshop to discuss the issues, identify the technology gaps, and discuss the way forward for IFRF, AFRC and their members.
The full programme can be seen on the IFRF or the University of Utah Websites: http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=155 or http://www.ices.utah.edu/totem/ .The meeting will be held at the University of Utah’s Heritage Center. Accommodations , at $69 per night for bookings before February 24th, will be in the University Guest House, which is a short walk to the Heritage Center. The Guest House is also located near the UTA Trax line, which provides convenient access to downtown Salt Lake City.On this occasion, the TOTeM and the associated Workshop will be open to IFRF Members and Non-Members, with a discounted registration fee available to IFRF and AFRC Members registering early (until March 1st). There is also still an opportunity to submit posters to compliment and extend the ground to be covered by the TOTeM 28 invited presentations. Proposals for posters should be forwarded to Jost on wendt@reaction-eng.com.
TOTeM 28 will be followed by the AFRC Spring Meeting on March 15th and 16th. This will provide a broader complimentary technical program as an option for TOTeM 28 participants under the banner Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Solutions to Combustion Problems.