• Technical Meeting Update

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  • Technical Meetings – Announcement and Call for Papers:

    We would like our readers to the following technical meetings…

    1. Renewables 2004: International Conference for New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable  Development
    28th June – 1st July 2004
    Evora, Portugal

    The organising committee of Evora International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development would like to invite the scientific and engineering communities to take the leading role in the promotion and organisation of actions that are designed to meet the present requirement of sustainable development. This conference will mark a new development in technologies reflecting the reports on the action to meet the goal of “World Summit on Sustainable Development” -Johannesburg Conference Plan of Action.

    For further information, follow the link below:

     2. Fifth European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications
    6th – 8th September 2004
    Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
    Call for Papers: Deadline – 31st March 2004

    Our friends from the Coal Research Forum (CRF) would like to invite our readers to participate in their biennial meetings.

    The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers in universities and participants from industry to present their papers describing applications in coal utilisation and preparation with particular reference to the following areas: combustion (in particular, conventional and advanced power generation, coal quality impacts and the challenges facing coal-fired generation today); emissions issues (including 2008 NOx reduction legislation, CO2 mitigation, trace elements, hydrocarbons, gaseous pollutants and fine particulates); co-processing of coal, particularly with biomass and wastes; carbonisation and other metallurgical uses; other coal conversion processes and coal preparation and handling.

    For further information, follow the link below:

    3. ECCC 2005: 5th European Continuous Casting Conference
    20th – 22nd June 2005
    Nice, France
    Call for Papers: 30th June 2004

    After the four successful European Continuous Casting Conference that were organised in Firenze, Dusseldorf, Madrid and Birmingham, the French Iron and Steel Association (ATS – Association Technique de la Sidérurgie Française) has the pleasure to invite our readers to the 5th ECCC to be held in Nice, France this coming June 2005.

    ECCC 2005 is also organised to give an opportunity to researchers in steel industry and universities, machine builders, technicians and engineers in charge of the technical development in steelplants to present the results of their work and to contribute to the enlargement of scientific and technical knowledge through dynamic involvement or participation in the discussions throughout this conference.

    For further details…

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