Swedish – Finnish Flame Days
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The Swedish-Finnish Flame days were held October 18-19 at the University College of Borås, in the south west of Sweden. The meeting was hosted by the Swedish and Finnish national committees of IFRF in close co-operation with the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP in Borås and Vattenfall.The Flame Days were devoted to research within of combustion related topics for energy generation of interest today. The total number of registered participants were 55 coming mainly from Sweden and Finland, but also from Russia.Two key note presentations were given. Professor Mikko Hupa from Åbo Academy University in Turku spoke about “Current challenges within fluidised bed combustion” and PhD Evalena Wikström from SP gave a presentation on “Trace emissions from combustion of waste derived fuels”In total were six sessions running parallel in two halls. The topics of sessions were: (1) Defluidisation, (2) Slagging, fouling and corrosion, (3) High temperature combustion, oxy-fuel combustion, co-combustion and gasification, (4) Emission control, (5) Modelling of combustion processes and (6) Fuel quality.The total number of oral presentations were 26. Seven posters were also presented.The Flame days were concluded by an excursion to the new Borås Energy Power waste incineration plant.The IFRF was represented at the Flame Days by Mikko Hupa, Vice-President of the IFRF, and by Peter Hoppesteyn, from CORUS RD&T, who is the IFRF High Efficiency Combustion Project Leader. Mikko Hupa took the opportunity to update IFRF Members on the development of the IFRF. Peter Hoppesteyn presented a joint IFRF, CORUS, Netherlands Gasunie paper, “Towards industrial application of High Efficiency Combustion” in which he gave an overview of the IFRF Members Research supported “HEC” Programme and progress in application of the research results for slab reheating by IFRF Member Corus (See associated article).The PP-presentations given are planed to be published on the IFRF home page in a near future. The Flame Days proceeding (347 pages) can also be ordered. For further information on the above, please contact Åse Myringer at Vattenfall (ase.myringer@vattenfall.com).MNM Editors Note:Mikko Hupa has indicated to us, independently, that he found the general organisation and management of the Flame Days, the Conference facilities, the Dinner and so forth were of a very high order which made for a very good and enjoyable conference. Congratulations are due to the team: University College of Borås, Swedish and Finnish Flame Research Committees, the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute and Vattenfall.