• Strategic Approach for Implementation of Primary DeNOx Measures in Large EU Pulverized Coal and Lignite Fired Units

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      Peter Roberts
  • This week IFRF NET is announcing its agreement to promote the so-called CafeNOx programme and associated Workshop, particularly with respect to its Industrial Sector – Power Generation.  In the Calendar of Technical Events we have added the Workshop:

    Strategic Approach for Implementation of Primary DeNOx Measures in Large EU Pulverized Coal and Lignite Fired Units for 2008- 2015 and after 2015 which is to be held in Athens on 23rd and 24th June 2005

    This Workshop is one of the deliverables of an EU co-funded programme known in short as “CafeNOx”.  The programme, as the Workshop title describes, is concerned with the ability of primary NOx control techniques to provide the degree of control required by the application of the EC Directives 2001-80&81 of 23rd October 2001, dealing with staged reduction of permissible NOx emissions in flue gas from PF units up to 2016.  (These Directives deal respectively with the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants, and national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants).

    The programme is coordinated by Jacques BLONDIN of IFRF Industrial Member Organisation – SNET-CERCHAR.  In the Workshop full details of the associated research programme will be presented.  Detailed planning for the Workshop is in progress and as the planning is finalised, details will be published in the IFRF Calendar of Technical Events.

    For the moment – the Workshop is planned for Athens, with local organisation provided by NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) in co-operation with PPC (Public Power Corporation of Greece) on 23rd and 24th June 2005. Put these dates in your agenda/diary.