• Rhine Tucker Text now available on CD

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  • Jeff Rhine and Bob Tucker, the authors of “Modelling of Gas-Fired Furnaces and Boilers”, have now secured the copyright as well as the rights to reproduce the book as a pdf file on CD. 

    The text was hailed as the first practical guide to the use of mathematical and experimental modelling techniques for practising industrial combustion design engineers, developers and researchers.  Whilst the focus is on industrial natural gas–fired equipment, the techniques described can be utilised for other gaseous and liquid fuels, including those from renewable and sustainable sources.

    The authors say that the book gives the reader all the necessary information needed to formulate a working and powerful design & performance model for furnaces or boilers.  Case studies are provided as a guide to how these techniques can be applied to a range of industrial heating plant applications.    


    • Introduction to modelling
    • Heat transfer and combustion in gas-fired plant
    • Scaling and similarity criteria
    • Theory of combustion modelling
    • Convective heat transfer
    • Analogies for physical modelling of convection
    • Flow visualisation techniques
    • Flame simulation (acid-alkali modelling)
    • Radiation transfer from surfaces and gases
    • Mathematical modelling of steady-state and transient processes
    • The ZONE method

    The case studies describe applications of modelling to shell boilers, immersion tubes, pottery kilns, glass melting, rapid heaters and high emissivity coatings.

    To receive more detail or to order a copy of the CD, IFRF Members should contact Jeff Rhine here.  The introductory price of the CD is UK£30, including postage and packaging. 

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