Reissue of BioFlam Report F106/y/1
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The BioFlam programme was initiated in February 2000 as a multi-partner, multi-national, collaborative research programme, financially supported by the European Commission and devoted to general subject of combustion behaviour of “clean” fuels in power generation. There were delays in completing the programme but at the end of 2004, the final technical report was accepted.
It is agreed that a dedicated website will be set-up for the publication of research information generated in this programme – this is in progress – but in the meantime work done by the IFRF Research Station, funded by the IFRF Members (i.e. using the Members Research Fund), should be published on the IFRF Members’ Research Project searchable website.
Accordingly IFRF Document number F106/y/1 – an interim research report on the combustion characterisation of substitute fuels for co-firing with pulverised coals, done as part of the BioFlam programme at the IFRF Research Station during 2000-2001 (originally published in 2001) – is being republished in this site. Go to:
http://www.research.ifrf.net/research/document.html?did=24Other information will be published in the dedicated BioFlam site in due course, with the permission of the laboratories concerned.
Furthermore we have taken this opportunity to improve the search facility associated with the MRP site – it will now allow searches to be undertaken in the “open domain”. That is to say there will be no requirement to log in to make a search. This of course facilitates searching for Members and Non-Members alike. However, apart from being able to browse “open” information associated with the Members Research Projects and associated research reports, all research information will be available only to Registered Individual Members using their User Name and Password.