Registration opens for IFRF technical course in March
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Registrations are invited for the technical course “Clean Industrial Fuel Utilization” offered by the IFRF in collaboration with the Silesian University of Technology, in Gliwice, Poland, from 29 March to 1 April 2011.
Coordinated by the IFRF’s Prof. Klaus Hein, the four day course features presentations by internationally recognised representatives from universities, consultancies and industrial companies as well as a site visit to the 460 MWe LAGISZA POWER PLANT, the world’s largest supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler.
The IFRF warmly thanks Prof. Ryszard A. Bialecki, Director at the Institute of Thermal Technology in Gliwice for his invaluable collaboration in organising the event. The course will take place at the Institute itself.
Participation is invited from members of the international fuel utilizing community, both engineers and scientists from industry, research organisations and academia.
The course is open to both Members of the IFRF and Non Members alike.
All the necessary information can be found on the IFRF Events Calendar. Registration closes on 31 January 2011.