• Professor John Beer addresses IFRF Members’ Conference

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    MIT Emeritus Professor John Beér, who was Head of the IFRF Research Station in the 1960s, and for many years afterwards the IFRF’s Superintendent of Research, opened the IFRF’s 16th Members’ Conference with a paper entitled “FOSSIL FUEL BASED POWER GENERATION IN A CARBON CONSTRAINED WORLD”.

    In addition to reviewing both the technologies and the fuels that would contribute to the medium term development of the power generation market, Professor Beer underlined the key requirement to improve generation efficiency with or without the use of Carbon Sequestration and Storage.

    Professor Beér has agreed to the dissemination of his presentation via IFRF NET, and a future issue of MNM will alert readers once the presentation is available for download.

    MIT have recently published a comprehensive review of ‘The Future for Coal’ which is available for download from http://web.mit.edu/coal/

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