Postdoctoral Position In Coal And Biomass Combustion Modeling
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The Industrial Energy Engineering Department of École des Mines de Douai (north of France) is seeking an individual for a Postdoctoral position in the area of coal and biomass combustion simulation and modelling. This is an opportunity to be involved in the development and validation of simulation codes for coal and biomass combustion devices.
The successful candidate for this position will be involved in a collaborative international research program, supported by INTERREG funds, with emphasis in the area of RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) modelling, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), particle dispersion and combustion.
A Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or related physical sciences with experience in numerical simulation of reacting flows is required. Candidates are expected to have a strong publication record and to have demonstrated ability to make original contributions to the science of combustion simulation.
The position is expected to be filled by January 2007 for maximum 18 months. Please send curriculum vitae in Europass format, a statement of research interest, list of recent publications and names of professional references to:
Dr. Sébastien CAILLAT
École des Mines de Douai
Industrial Energy Engineering Department
941, rue Charles Bourseul – B.P. 10838
59508 Douai Cedex – FRANCE
tel : +33 (0)327 712 390
fax : +33 (0)327 712 915
e-mail : Sebastien.Caillat@ensm-douai.fr
http://www.ensm-douai.fr/ & http://www.cosamm.org/You can find information also in the IFRF Calendar Of Technical Events at this page: http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=211