Planning session for website review
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As decided at the June meeting of the Joint Committee in Pisa, the activities for developing the new IFRF website have been initiated and plans were concretised in a meeting with Livorno staff, the IFRF Director and the current suppliers of IT and web services, one Dutch and the other Italian.
Amongst the planned improvements to the site, we foresee a new injection of content including the Research Plan for the next three years, a description of the facilities at Livorno which are now accessible to Members for combined or individual research projects, and a dedicated Jobs section with information about training and employment opportunities. New functionality will include a certain amount of interaction with IFRF databases, both as concerns personal information, but, perhaps more importantly, in terms of querying and searching the IFRF database of technical reports. We are also planning to introduce at least one discussion forum.
Members can expect to see some changes to the current site in an interim stage before the new site is unveiled. Any and all suggestions about content or functionality will be warmly received. Please write to Tracey Biller here.