• Oxy Coal TOTeM Warsaw, June

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  • Registration is open for TOTeM 41 “Optimisation of OXY/COAL/RFG systems” which is being organised in Warsaw on 10th and 11th June for the FP7 EU funded RELCOM project. 

    IFRF is a partner in RELCOM – “Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures” and this is the second TOTeM to be organized during the four year life of the project.  The meetings provide an opportunity for project partners to disseminate their findings outside of the partner consortium.  This time around, there will also be participation from the project “Oxy-combustion technology for PC and FBC boilers with CO2 capture”, financed with a 25 million dollar grant from the National Center for Research & Development in Poland as part of the Advanced Technologies for Energy Generation programme.

    TOTeM 41 will be chaired by Prof. Wojciech Nowak of Czestochowa University of Technology and will articulate around clear thematic areas, each introduced by an expert keynote speaker.  Alongside other invited speakers, the one and a half day meeting will also accommodate presentations from delegates who have contributed posters.

    The Registration form and a Second Announcement appear on the IFRF Events Calendar.

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