• Now online – IFRF Member questionnaire

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  • IFRF Members are warmly invited to complete our Member Questionnaire, now available online.  The procedure should take more than 10 minutes and we really would value your feedback and ideas!

    As announced previously in MNM, the questionnaire was designed by the IFRF in cooperation with a professional marketing strategist and represents the first stage in a two step process to develop our long term strategy.  The questionnaire focuses on evaluating Member perceptions of our current service offering and soliciting opinions about potential new services.  It will be featured twice in MNM to ensure that as many individuals as possible have an opportunity to say their piece.  A summary of the results of the analysis will be published in MNM in late May along with details of the second part of the strategy redefinition process. 

    Your information will be treated in absolute confidence – the questionnaire may be completed anonymously.  Thank you in advance for your participation.  You will need your IFRF password and user name to access the questionnaire so please keep them handy! To request a reminder or access the questionnaire click here.

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