• News from the IFRF Electronic Combustion Journal

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  • Last week we indicated that in the coming weeks we will continue the publication programme for the Online Combustion Journal, the Online Handbook and of course, the IFRF Members Research programme. So this week we are featuring the IFRF Electronic Combustion Journal with the publication of two articles.  Pat Hughes, Editor in Chief of the Journal writes:

    Article No: 200606
    “Maintaining burning velocity of exhaust-diluted methane/air flames by partial fuel reformation” by S. Ponnusamy, M.D. Checkel and B.A. Fleck.

    This paper presents the results of a unique method to measure the burning velocity of gaseous mixtures, the influence of exhaust gas in the mixture and determines the amount of reformer fuel required to bring the flame speed back to the un-mixed value. The results of this paper will have the greatest impact in the developments for spark ignited combustion where exhaust gas recirculation has reduced NOx emissions at the expense of engine performance.

    Article No: 200605
    “Minimising NOx emission from a waste derived fuel gasifier gAS combustor using CFD combined with detailed chemistry” by Anders Brink, Mikko Hupa, Esa Kurkela and Marjut Suomalainen.

    This paper presents the results of a unique method to determine the best design to reduce the NO emissions from a combustor fired with gas from a waste derived gasifier. A CFD model with a detailed reaction mechanism was evaluated against experimental test conditions. This same model was then later used to gain an insight into the NO formation (and reduction) mechanisms and lead to the design of an optimum burner and subsequent operating conditions which gave a minimum NO emission.

    For full details and downloading instructions, see the following two articles in this edition of the MNM.

    Next week we will feature new combustion in the IFRF Online Combustion Handbook, followed by the publication of a new Study Report the Members Research Programme at the begiinning of October.

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